Peter: Alright, Leviticus 24. This one's about a fight between two Israelites, and the punishment for it.
Lois: Uh huh. So, what happened?
Peter: Well, it seems that one of the guys was an Israelite, and he cursed God's name. And then the other one punched him in the face, and God said he should be put to death.
Lois: Wow. That's pretty harsh.
Peter: Yeah, it is. But then God changed his mind and said that the punishment for cursing God's name should be that the man who cursed should be stoned to death.
Brian: So, what happened to the guy who punched him?
Peter: Oh, he was just fined.
Lois: That's a relief.
Peter: Yeah, I guess. But then God also said that if anyone else cursed God's name, they should be put to death too. So, you know, watch your mouth if you don't want to end up like the poor guy in Leviticus 24.
Brian: You know, I heard that this is the same punishment they give on Star Trek when someone curses the name of the Prime Directive.
Lois: Brian, that's ridiculous!
Peter: Yeah, Lois, leave him alone. I mean, it's not like he's gonna end up like Captain Kirk, getting fined for cursing God's name. I think we can all agree that would be much worse.