Good evening everyone, this is Norm MacDonald here with the summary of Leviticus 24. As you can imagine, this chapter is full of divine rules and regulations, so here goes nothing. So, a fine fellow named Aaron is told to put a lamp in the tabernacle that will never be extinguished. Although, I guess this is a fair trade off, considering he also has to put in more oil than necessary every day. Then, God gives instructions on how to make bread for an offering, and how to make the oil for that too. And, Aaron's sons are appointed to take care of it all, which sounds like a lot of work. So, after that, comes a whole bunch of rules about how to deal with various offenses, such as cursing the name of the Lord, and how to deal with those who blaspheme. All of which, I'm sure, are quite important. Finally, this chapter wraps up with a reminder that all of these laws must be observed and followed. So, that's it for Leviticus 24! I'm Norm MacDonald, and that's the Bible summary.