Folks! See here, Jack, I'm not joking - Leviticus 22 is a seriously important chapter. My father used to say, "Listen Jack, if you're gonna be a priest, you've gotta follow all the rules!" And he was right. So, here's the deal - if you're gonna be a priest, you can't just eat any ol' thing. No malarkey! You've got to stay away from any animals that are diseased or mutilated, c'mon, man! And you've gotta make sure that the animals you're eatin' were slaughtered the right way. Literally. And that goes for anyone else who wants to get near to God. No unclean food! I tell you what, if you don't follow the rules, you're gonna be in big trouble. Excuse me? What was that? You have to be holy if you're gonna be near to God. Not gonna happen if you don't do what He says. Or uh, you know, you can forget it.