C'mon, man! Listen, Jack, here's the deal. This Book of Leviticus is full of laws that the Lord gave to Moses for the people of Israel. And in Chapter 6, there's some rules about burnt offerings and sin offerings and peace offerings. My father used to say that these offerings were to be done with a special kind of fire, and it was supposed to stay burning all the time. And then there's some instructions about what to do with the fat and with the blood of the animal. Not gonna happen - I tell you what - that the priest should keep some of it for himself. And then he should take the rest of it and put it on the altar. And then, excuse me, he should burn the rest as a special offering. And see here, Jack, if a person sinned and didn't bring the right kind of offering, he would have to bring a ram as an offering. Now what was that? Oh, or uh, you know, if someone had stolen something and hadn't returned it, he would have to bring two rams as an offering. Literally, that's what it says. I'm not joking. Not gonna happen. So, folks, there you have it - Leviticus 6!