Folks, listen here, c'mon man, no malarkey! Leviticus 26 is all about the promises of God to his people. He says if they stay true to him, they'll have plenty of food, rain, and resources. But if they stray, they'll be cursed with pestilence, war, and famine. My father used to say, "If you stay true to God, the blessings will come." Well, the same goes in Leviticus 26. See here, Jack, when it comes to blessings, God is saying he'll give them crops, and animals, and peace. But if they don't stay true, he says he'll bring on the curses and diseases, and war. He also talks about how if they don't stay true and repent, he'll scatter them among the nations and it'll be like they never existed. I'm not joking, Jack, it's all in the book. That's what Leviticus 26 is all about. What was that? Blessings and curses? Yeah, that's it - blessings and curses!