Listen, Jack, I tell you what, Leviticus 13 is all about, uh, skin diseases. See here, Jack, this chapter starts off with the Lord commanding Moses and Aaron to tell the people of Israel, c'mon man, that if someone has a disease on their skin that they must be brought to the priest. Now, literally, the priest will look at the condition of their skin, and if it appears to be a skin disease, the priest will declare them to be unclean. My father used to say, 'You don't mess with skin diseases!' Or uh, you know, if it doesn't appear to be a skin disease, then the priest will declare them to be clean. No malarkey! If the disease gets worse, then the priest is to declare them unclean. Folks, if the disease is cured, then the priest will declare them clean. Here's the deal, the priest is to tear off the affected parts of the skin and declare that person to be clean. I'm not joking! If those affected parts of the skin begin to spread, then the priest will declare them unclean. What was that? Oh, and if the priest declares someone unclean, then they must remain isolated outside the camp. Excuse me, no one is to go near them during their time of isolation. Not gonna happen! That's it for Leviticus 13.