Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Leviticus 2 is all about bringing your offerings to the Lord. And I'm not joking, folks, it's literally a big part of worship! So if you're bringing a grain offering, you gotta make sure it's fine wheat flour with oil and frankincense. Or uh, you know, no malarkey. If you're bringing a peace offering, it's gotta be from the herd or the flock and it's gotta be sacrificed on the altar. And if you're bringing a sin offering, it's gotta be a male without a blemish. See here, Jack, the Lord will not accept any offering that is blemished or defective, so make sure you do it right. What was that? Oh, yeah, and don't forget to bring an offering of salt. My father used to say that salt is the seasoning of life, and it's definitely the seasoning of your offering! So c'mon, man, don't forget the salt. Otherwise, not gonna happen. I tell you what, you can't go wrong if you just follow the rules in Leviticus 2. Excuse me, did I say something wrong?