Folks, here's the deal: Leviticus 11 is all about clean and unclean animals. See here, Jack, in this chapter, God is giving Moses and Aaron a list of animals that are clean, and those that are unclean. My father used to say, you know, “C’mon, man, you got to be careful about what you eat!” And he was right! The Lord was very clear in this chapter about the clean animals. Cows, sheep, goats, deer, antelope, and so on. Anything that has both hooves and chews the cud is considered clean. No malarkey! But then there’s the unclean animals. Or, uh, you know, the ones you don’t eat. Like pigs, badgers, camels, rock badgers, and so on. Not gonna happen! But then there’s the birds! The Lord was very clear what birds are clean and which ones you don’t eat. Basically, if it’s a scavenger or a predator, you don’t eat it. I tell you what, if you follow these guidelines, you’ll be good to go. Excuse me, but that’s the way it is in Leviticus 11!