Joe: Alright, so, tell us about Leviticus 7!

Bible Expert: Well, in this chapter, God gives instructions to Moses and Aaron on what animals can be sacrificed and how they should be offered as a sacrifice.

Joe: What kind of animals?

Bible Expert: Well, it says that a person can offer a bull, a ram, or a lamb as a burnt offering, and that the offering should be made with a grain offering and an accompanying drink offering.

Joe: Interesting. Anything else?

Bible Expert: Yes, God also tells Moses and Aaron that they should not offer an animal that has any defect or blemish, and that any offering must be made in its entirety.

Joe: What do you mean by that?

Bible Expert: God is saying that the animals must be perfect and that they must be offered in their entirety—nothing can be withheld from the offering.

Joe: Wow, that's intense.

Bible Expert: It is. God also instructs Moses and Aaron on how to make peace offerings, which are offerings of gratitude or thanksgiving.

Joe: So, what do you do with these offerings?

Bible Expert: Well, part of the offering is to be burnt and the rest is to be eaten by the priests.

Joe: That's cool. Anything else?

Bible Expert: Yes, the chapter also talks about the importance of eating the offerings within a certain time frame and giving the fat of the offering to the Lord.

Joe: Wow. So, to summarize, Leviticus 7 is all about the rules and regulations around making animal sacrifices and peace offerings, and how they should be offered and received. Is that right?

Bible Expert: That's right.