Batman: Greetings, Robin! In the book of Numbers, we find the story of the Israelites and their journey to the Promised Land.
Robin: That's right, Batman! In chapter 32, the tribes of Reuben and Gad make a request to Moses. They want to settle in the land east of the Jordan River.
Batman: That's a very bold request! What does Moses have to say about it?
Robin: Well, Moses agrees, but on one condition. The tribes of Reuben and Gad must first help their fellow Israelites by fighting alongside them to conquer the land west of the Jordan.
Joker: Aww, what a nice gesture!
Batman: (sternly) Joker, I don't believe your presence is necessary here.
Joker: (sadly) Alright, okay. I'll just go and...check out the local scenery.
Robin: Ahem, anyway, the tribes of Reuben and Gad agree to Moses' condition and they pledge to fight alongside the other Israelites.
Batman: It's good to see that they are willing to help their fellow Israelites in their time of need.
Robin: Absolutely, Batman!