Peter: Alright, so this chapter is all about the tribes of Reuben and Gad. They were doing pretty well for themselves, livin' on the east side of the Jordan River, so they asked Moses if they could just stay there and not cross over with the rest of the Israelites. Moses: But wait, what about the Promised Land? Peter: Yeah, Moses was all like, "What about the Promised Land?" And the Reubenites and Gadites were all like, "yeah, yeah, we get it, but we like it here. We don't wanna cross the Jordan River." Brian: So, what did Moses do? Peter: Well, he gave 'em a deal. He said, "Okay, if you stay here and help your Israelite brothers cross the Jordan and fight for the Promised Land, then you can stay here." Stewie: And did they accept? Peter: Yup, they agreed. So they stayed on the east side of the Jordan and helped the other Israelites cross over and fight for the Promised Land. Meg: Wow, that was a pretty generous offer. Peter: Yup, Moses was a real stand-up guy. I mean, he coulda just told 'em to cross the Jordan or else. But instead, he gave 'em a choice and they accepted. Joe: Good for them. That's like the moral of the story, right? Peter: I guess you could say that.