Peter: Alright, so let's see here. Numbers 12. Alright, so this one is about Miriam and Aaron, who are siblings of Moses, and they start getting all jealous and stuff of him 'cause he's the leader and all. So God's like "Hey, cut it out, don't be jealous of Moses. He's the leader, deal with it."
Lois: Yeah, but then God gets mad at Moses 'cause he married a Cushite woman, whatever that is.
Brian: Oh, it's like a person from Ethiopia!
Peter: Right! So then Miriam and Aaron start talking smack about Moses and God's like, "Nope, not cool. You're both gonna be punished for that." So God makes Miriam all leprous, which I think is like a skin disease, and then everyone's begging him to forgive her and he does.
Stewie: Ah, so a classic case of the sibling rivalry blues. Nothing a good leprosy can't fix! Don't worry, she can still join the cast of The Walking Dead.