Peter: Alright, so in Numbers 7, the twelve tribes of Israel each bring offerings to the Lord.

Lois: Wait, like, offerings of bread?

Meg: No, Lois, they bring offerings of silver, gold, and other items.

Brian: Wow, it's like a biblical Black Friday.

Chris: All the Israelites have to give the same offering, or it's not cool.

Cleveland: Yeah, so no one can be like, "I'm gonna give an iPhone and you give a flip phone".

Stewie: But then on the seventh day, Moses has to offer a bull for a sin offering.

Peter: And then all the offerings are holy, and they're all accepted by the Lord.

Quagmire: Hey, it sounds like a scene from the movie "The Godfather"!

Joe: Yeah, except there's no horse's head in the bed.