Brian: Alright, so in Numbers 16, there's this dude named Korah who's challenging the leadership of Moses and Aaron. He's like, "Hey, why should you guys get to be in charge?"

Cleveland: So Moses and Aaron are like, "Hey buddy, we're the chosen ones of God, so back off."

Lois: But Korah's not having it. He's like "Nuh-uh, I don't think so!" And he brings together a group of 250 other guys to back him up.

Stewie: So then God is like "Oh, no you don't." And he opens up the ground and swallows up all the rebels and their families.

Peter: Yeah and then God makes Moses and Aaron burn incense to prove that they are the ones he chose. And then he sends a plague and 14,700 people die.

Joe: Wow! That's pretty intense.

Quagmire: Yeah, I guess that's one way to settle a disagreement.