Peter: Alright, this is Numbers 8. So it starts off with the Lord telling Moses to make a lampstand out of pure gold and place it in the Tabernacle, so they can light the lamps on it each evening. [Lois walks in.]
Lois: Whoa, whoa, hold on there, Peter. You said something about a lampstand? So what you're saying is, we should just light it up, like a neon sign, or something?
Peter: Uh, no, Lois. I don't think that's what it meant. It says the Levites were to be set apart from the other Israelites, and their job was to take care of the lampstand. [Cuts to a commercial for a car dealership]
Lois: Oh, okay. So that's why it's in the Bible?
Peter: Yeah, it's kind of a big deal. Then the Lord said that the Levites should be purified and presented to Him as a wave offering.
Lois: Whoa, that's intense. So what happens after that?
Peter: Well, after that the Lord commands Moses to place the Levites in front of the Tabernacle, and they were to serve as a barrier between the people and the Lord. [Cut to a commercial for a new video game.]
Lois: Wow, that sounds like a pretty important job. What else?
Peter: Well, the Lord also said that the Levites were to be given as a gift to Him, and they should serve Him forever. [Cut to a commercial for a new movie.]
Lois: Wow, that's pretty cool. So what happens next?
Peter: Well, after that, the Lord commands the Israelites to keep the Sabbath day holy, and warns them not to work on that day. Then the Lord commands Moses to number the Israelites, so that He can take a census of them. [Cut to a commercial for a new phone.]
Lois: Okay, so that's what Numbers 8 is all about. Interesting. Anything else?
Peter: Nope, that's pretty much it. [Cut to a commercial for a new TV show.]