Peter: Alright, so in this chapter, God tells Aaron that he and his sons are in charge of looking after the sanctuary and all the sacred stuff.

Lois: And then God tells Aaron that he and his sons are gonna be responsible for taking offerings from the people of Israel, like grain, oil, and animal sacrifices.

Stewie: Plus, God also tells Aaron that he and his sons are gonna get a portion of the offerings, so they can live off it.

Brian: Oh, and God tells Aaron that he and his sons are also in charge of making sure that the people of Israel are properly following the laws of the Lord.

Peter: Yeah, and God says that if Aaron and his sons don't do their job properly, then the Lord will be mad.

Lois: Hmm, that's a lot of responsibility.

Stewie: Yeah, and God also tells Aaron that he and his sons are gonna get a special blessing from the Lord.

Brian: Wow, that's awesome! So, what happens next?