C'mon, man! Listen, Jack: here's the deal. Literally, my father used to say that the Lord told Aaron, "you and your sons are responsible for the duties in the sanctuary related to the most holy things," and, man, I'm not joking, He also said, "but only your sons can serve as priests." See here, Jack: the Lord said, "You must give your brother's family the opportunity to serve as priests," so what was that? He said, "the priests, that is, Aaron and his sons, will receive the income from the gifts and sacrifices the people bring." Or uh, you know, He said, "this is how the priests will be supported from the people," and then He said, "the priests must not receive any land or other property, because I have given them the sacrifices the people of Israel present to me as their inheritance." Not gonna happen - I tell you what! Excuse me, the Lord said, "they must eat the sacred offerings that are most holy, and they must also receive the part of the gifts the people bring to the Lord." Now, that's a deal!