Folks, here's the deal - Numbers 11 is all about when the people of Israel start complaining about being hungry. I'm not joking. My father used to say, "If you don't have food, you don't have much!" See here, Jack, they were literally begging to go back to Egypt, the land they had just been freed from. No malarkey! And the Lord heard their cries, so he sent a wind that brought quail. But what was that? He also sent a plague as a punishment for their complaining. Excuse me, I gotta be honest here, that's not gonna happen today. I tell ya what - The Lord then chose 70 elders to help Moses with leading the people. C'mon, man, you know - Moses was getting overwhelmed. Finally, Moses asked the Lord to help him, and the Lord answered by sending the Holy Spirit to the 70 elders. So, listen, Jack - God was showing the people that he was in control and that all of their complaining was in vain. Literally.