Folks! No malarkey! Here's the deal - the Bible tells us in Numbers 6 about the special blessings that God promised to His people. Listen, Jack, my father used to say, 'If ya get God's special blessings, you'll dwell in His presence forever!' See here, Jack, this is what it says: if a man makes a special vow to God, he has to live as a Nazirite for the time of his vow. That means he has to abstain from wine, grapes, and even hard liquor, and he can't cut his hair. What was that? He has to be completely clean, or uh, you know, no alcohol or strong drink. It's literally the only way to receive these blessings. I'm not joking, Jack. That's the deal. And let me tell you, it's not gonna happen to just anyone. It's a special covenant between God and His people. Excuse me, but it's a pretty big deal. You can take that to the bank.