"It's Numbers 6, folks, and what you're seeing is really something unbelievable. You know, many people are saying this is one of the most terrific chapters in the Bible. Bigly. It's all about the Nazirite Vow - and believe me, it's a huge deal. So here's the deal - the Nazarite has to separate himself from all kinds of stuff, like wine and strong drink, and he can't cut his hair. He has to let it grow long. And then, when the vow is over, he has to shave his head and burn it in the fire. And then, there's a sacrifice to God. Amazing, right? Sad! Anyway, we don't have to worry about that stuff these days, so don't let the deep state and the fake news tell you otherwise. We're winning, and we're gonna make America great again. God bless America. Very, very.