In Numbers 22, the people of Israel are on the move. They are headed to the Promised Land, and as they go, they come to the land of the Moabites. The Moabites are led by a King named Balak, who is not very happy about the Israelites showing up. He is so worried that he calls on the help of a prophet named Balaam. Balaam is a huge deal, a real prophet of tremendous proportions. He is so powerful, many people are saying, that he can curse and bless people with amazing results. Balak knows this and tries to get Balaam to curse the Israelites, but God won't let Balaam do it. Every time Balaam tries to curse them, he has to bless them instead. It's unbelievable! Balak gets so frustrated with Balaam's blessings that he kicks him out and sends him away. In the end, the Israelites march through Moab without any curses and make it to the Promised Land. It's a terrific story of God's great power and the people of Israel's faith. God bless America and make America great again!