The Numbers 26 chapter is a bigly amazing and terrific story about the Israelites. It starts with the Lord telling Moses to take a census of all the people of the tribes of Israel. So Moses and the leaders of Israel did this and the total number of males 20 years old and up was 601,730. This was a tremendous amount of people! Many such cases there were. Then God told Moses to divide the land among these tribes according to their numbers. So Moses did this and the land was divided and the people were happy. However, God also said that if someone sinned then the land would be taken away from them. This made the people sad, but they still had faith that God would make it great again. Then the Lord commanded the people to drive out the Canaanites and take possession of the land. This was a difficult task, but the people did it with the help of God. In the end, the Lord blessed the Israelites and they were able to live in the Promised Land. God bless America! Make America great again!