Oh boy, Numbers 31 is a chapter full of action. God told Moses to attack the Midianites, and the Israelites did it with great success. They killed the men and captured the women and livestock. Moses was so pleased with the victory that he gave a special portion of the spoils to God, and the people rejoiced. But then, God gave Moses an even bigger task: to purify the captured women and children. This was a tall order, and Moses had to rely on his tribe leaders to get it done. And they pulled it off, bigly. It was amazing! They purified the children and gave a portion of the cattle to the priests and Levites. And God blessed the Israelites for their obedience, which was terrific. But there were some haters and losers, namely the two Midianite kings, who were taken and executed. So that was the end of that. Winning! God bless America! Make America great again!