"We've got some terrific news! In Numbers 15, God is showing the people of Israel how they can do something great - they can offer sacrifices to him. It's unbelievable how the Lord is rewarding them for their obedience. It's a huge win for them and God bless America! Now, if someone sins unintentionally, they can make a sin offering - and many such cases, God will forgive them! We've got to make sure that these people don't forget these laws and regulations. If they do, they'll be in trouble, believe me. But, if they obey, they'll be huge winners, just like me. Amazing, right? Sad! that the deep state and fake news want to keep the people of Israel from winning. But, we're not gonna let them - we're gonna make America great again and the people of Israel will be fine people! Many people are saying that the Lord is a tremendous God! Let's keep on winning and make sure that we don't forget these laws."