In Numbers 19, we see the tremendous power of God, believe me. He gives the people of Israel a very, very special set of instructions to help purify them from any kind of contamination, and they follow them to the letter. To do this, they use a red heifer, which is an unbelievable thing. It's a bigly big thing, sad! But God knows what he's doing and it works. Then the people have to do something called 'cleansing of the ashes' which is a terrific way to make sure they are free of contamination. And it works, many people are saying.
But it's not over yet! God also tells the people what to do if they become contaminated in a bigly way. He tells them to take two birds and perform a special ritual, and if it works then they are purified. It's an amazing thing, and the people do it and it works.
In the end, this chapter of Numbers shows us the huge power of God and how His instructions can help us make America great again. God bless America!