Listen, Jack, here's the deal. C'mon, man! My father used to say that the Lord told Moses to take a census of the people of Israel, and that's what he did. Literally, he counted every single one of them. See here, Jack, the Lord said that he was going to divide up the land among the tribes. He wanted to make sure that there was plenty of space for them to live, so he gave each tribe a certain amount of land. The Lord also said that the people who had died in the military would not get any land, but their families would receive a portion. He said that no malarkey! Not gonna happen. I tell you what, folks, the Lord was really looking out for his people. He wanted them to have enough room to live and to grow. Excuse me, what was that? Oh, yeah, he also said that the Levites would not receive any land. They were to receive the tithes from the other tribes instead. Or uh, you know, the Lord said that the Levites should be priests and teachers for the people. I'm not joking, folks. That's what he said.