Listen, Jack, here's the deal. We gots these Israelites, right, who are trying to get into the Promised Land and my father used to say, "C'mon, man, you're never gonna make it if you don't believe in yourselves." But what was that? They saw the giants in the land and they got scared. No malarkey! I'm not joking. They said, "We can't do it, it's impossible, literally." And then God said, "Oh, excuse me, folks, you want me to do the impossible? Or uh, you know, I'm gonna do something else. Not gonna happen." But see here, Jack, Moses said, "No, God, you are the God of miracles, you can do anything!" Then God said, "I tell you what, if these Israelites really believe in me, then miracles will happen." And it did. Folks, the Israelites crossed the river and entered the Promised Land. That was a long time ago, but you know what, it's never too late to believe in miracles.