Listen, Jack, c'mon man, it's time for Numbers 17! My father used to say, "Never forget where you came from," and in this chapter, folks, we see the Lord's way of reminding the Israelites of the same. So here's the deal, excuse me: God tells Moses to take twelve rods, one from each of the tribes, and when they were put together, He commanded Aaron's rod to miraculously blossom and bear almonds. See here, Jack, that rod was a literal sign of God's authority, and this was so the people would know that Aaron was chosen to be their leader. What was that? The Lord also told Moses to put the rod in the tabernacle so they could see it as a reminder of His power, and not to worry, no malarkey: He promised that He would never leave or forsake them. I tell you what, the Israelites were never the same after that. Literally, the Lord's presence was always with them, and I'm not joking: that's the lesson for us today!