Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I'm not joking, c'mon, man! This chapter is about Balaam and his donkey. See here, Jack, Balaam was trying to get to Moab to put a curse on the Israelites. But God wasn't gonna have any of that malarkey. So God sent an angel to block Balaam's path, and Balaam's donkey saw him first and tried to avoid him, but Balaam was so mad he kept beating the donkey. Then, folks, all of a sudden, the donkey started talking. What was that? Literally, the donkey said, "Why are you beating me? I'm trying to save you from the angel!" Balaam was so surprised he looked around and saw the angel for himself, but then the angel told Balaam to continue on his way to Moab. So Balaam went on and put a curse on Israel, but God intervened and turned it into a blessing. My father used to say, "You never know what might happen." Excuse me, but that's the truth. Not gonna happen. I tell you what, this chapter is all about God's power.