Hey, Jack, here's the deal with Numbers 23. It's literally, like, a whole chapter about a guy named Balaam, who, y'know, is talking to God and stuff. I mean, I'm not joking, c'mon, man! God is like, "Hey Balaam, I'm gonna bless my people." And Balaam's like, "Oh yeah, sure, no malarkey, I got you." Then Balaam starts getting visions, which is all like, you know, "Oh, I see, like, a star, and mountains and valleys and stuff." I mean, it was like a whole thing. Then God's like, "Okay Balaam, no more visions, no more talking." I mean, that was it! Literally. And, uh, you know, then it was like, "Wow, that was a weird chapter!" See here, Jack: the take away from this is, if God says something, that's the end of the conversation. Not gonna happen, folks. I tell you what: if I had been there, I would have been like, "Okay, God, I hear ya!" My father used to say that God's word should be listened to. Not joking. What was that? Literally. Excuse me.