Folks! See here, Jack, I'm gonna tell you about Numbers 35 - no malarkey! Here's the deal - this chapter is all about cities of refuge, what was that? Y'see, if someone kills another person, a city of refuge is a safe place they can run to and be protected from the avenger of blood. My father used to say, “You can't just go around killin' folks and expect to get away with it!” Literally! I'm not joking! C'mon, man! So, the Lord tells Moses and the Israelites to set aside six cities of refuge - on both sides of the Jordan River, or uh, you know, three on each side. In the cities, the killer can go and stand trial before the congregation, and then the congregation decides if the killing was intentional or accidental. If it was accidental, the killer can stay in the city of refuge until the death of the high priest, and then they can go home. But if it was intentional, no mercy - not gonna happen! I tell you what, these cities of refuge help to keep justice alive in the land, excuse me. It's an important lesson that still applies today.