Folks, here’s the deal. So, in Numbers 5, we’re talking about the Lord, he’s telling the Israelites to deal with the impurity of the people amongst them. See here, Jack, it’s literally like a ‘get out of jail free’ card. If a person is suspected of being unfaithful or of contracting a contagious skin disease, the priest is gonna make that person take an oath and perform a ritual, with a drink offering of barley flour and water. I’m not joking - my father used to say, “no malarkey”! So, if the person is found guilty, they’re gonna be cursed by the Lord, and the Lord’s gonna take away their health and prosperity. Literally, it’s a really big deal. Or uh, you know, if a man suspects his wife of being unfaithful, he can bring her to the priest, and the priest will perform the ritual. C’mon man! But if the wife is found to be innocent, she’ll be blessed by the Lord and will be able to live a long and prosperous life. I tell you what - it’s a great reminder that the Lord is watching us, and that we should be careful with our actions. Excuse me, what was that? No, no - not gonna happen.