Folks, listen up. I'm gonna tell you about the book of Numbers, chapter 3. See here, Jack, we got the Levites, and they're in charge of temple duties. My father used to say, there ain't no such thing as a free ride, and that's what the Levites were in charge of. They were in charge of carrying the sacred things for the Lord, so c'mon, man! Not gonna happen that they don't do that. Now, I'm not joking, but this is what I'm gonna tell you: The Levites were from the age of one month to twenty-five years old. That's when they could work in the sacred duties. And guess what? The firstborn of each family were to be given to the Lord. That's a pretty big deal, if you ask me! And uh, you know, if a family had too many firstborns, then they had to pay money for the redemption of those firstborns. Literally, it was the Lord's money, so the family had to pay it back. So, I tell you what, that's Numbers 3 in a nutshell. No malarkey!