Robin: Holy Numbers, Batman! What does this chapter have in store for us?
Batman: Well, Robin, this chapter begins with the Lord commanding Moses to take a census of all the males of the Levite clan.
Catwoman: Ah, so it's all about numbers and counting, you say? How dull!
Batman: Not so fast, Catwoman. The Lord also orders the Levites to perform certain duties in the tabernacle.
Joker: Oh, what kind of duties? Something fun, I hope!
Batman: Indeed, Joker. The Lord commands the Levites to carry and transport the holy items of the tabernacle, such as the ark, the table and its utensils, the lampstand and its vessels, and the altar and its utensils.
Robin: Wow! What a big job!
Batman: That it is, Robin. The Lord also commands the Levites to take care of the tabernacle and all its items and to keep the tabernacle holy.
Riddler: So, if I'm understanding this correctly, the Levites are responsible for the upkeep of the tabernacle?
Batman: That's right, Riddler. And, as a reward for their service, the Lord promises the Levites a portion of the offerings made to Him.