Batman: Greetings, Robin! It appears trouble is afoot.

Robin: What is it, Batman?

Batman: We've received word that the Israelites have been consorting with the Moabite women and worshipping their gods!

Catwoman: How scandalous!

Batman: Indeed, Catwoman. The Lord orders Moses to execute the leaders of the congregation who have gone astray.

Riddler: But wait, Batman – what of Phinehas and his actions?

Batman: Ah, you're right, Riddler. Phinehas was so zealous for the Lord that he took a spear and killed a man and woman who had sinned against the Lord, and for this act, the Lord rewarded him with a covenant of peace.

Penguin: How marvelous!

Robin: Indeed, Penguin. The Lord will never forget what Phinehas did and His covenant with him and his descendants will last forever.