Robin: Holy smoke, Batman! It looks like God told the people of Israel to keep a special Passover sacrifice, even when it doesn't fall on the regular day.

Batman: That's right, Robin. He also commanded that all foreigners had to join in and keep the Passover too!

Joker: Ha ha ha! What a great way to make everyone feel included!

Robin: And then God told the people to keep the cloud of smoke from the burning sacrifice over the tabernacle, so they could follow it in their travels.

Batman: Yes, Robin. The cloud was the signal that the Lord was with them.

Catwoman: But what happened when the cloud stayed in one place for a long time?

Batman: Well, Catwoman, the Israelites stayed in that place as long as the cloud stayed. When the cloud moved, they followed it.

Riddler: Ah-ha! And I bet they kept track of the dates too!

Batman: Of course they did, Riddler! God instructed them to keep track of the days, months, and years.

Penguin: How fascinating! What a great way to stay organized!

Robin: And the Lord also told the people to tell their children about the Passover when they asked about it.

Batman: Yes, indeed. So, let's all make sure to pass down the stories of God's mighty deeds!