Batman: Greetings, faithful sidekick. It's time to delve into the next chapter of the Bible: Numbers 36.

Robin: What does this chapter tell us, Batman?

Batman: It's all about the daughters of Zelophehad, who have no brothers and thus no one to inherit their father's land. The daughters ask Moses what they should do and he tells them that they should marry within their own tribe so that their father's land would stay within the tribe.

Catwoman: So what happened?

Batman: Well, Moses commanded that any man who married one of these daughters would also have to take on her father's land and keep it within the tribe. This way, no one would be left without an inheritance.

Joker: Ha ha ha! Sounds like a fair deal for the ladies.

Robin: But why did Moses do this, Batman?

Batman: To ensure that the land would stay within the tribe and that the tribe would remain strong and unified. That's why it's so important in the Bible to stay within your own tribe and not to marry outside of it.