Robin: Holy ancient history, Batman! This chapter of the Bible is all about the Levitical priesthood!
Batman: It certainly is, Robin. The Lord tells Aaron he and his sons have been chosen to serve as priests.
Catwoman: Hey, I thought I was the one with the nine lives.
Batman: Not this time, Catwoman. The Lord instructs Aaron and his sons to perform the duties of the priesthood, and to make sure they keep themselves holy or they will be destroyed.
Robin: Wow, that’s some serious stuff!
Joker: Yeah, it sure is. But, the Lord also tells Aaron and his sons that all the offerings of the Israelites are for them to eat.
Batman: Yes, that’s true, Joker. The Lord also says that the rest of the Israelites are to give the priests a tenth of their crops each year.
Riddler: A tenth? That’s a lot!
Batman: It is indeed, Riddler. But, the Lord promises that if the people are faithful in giving their tithes, they will be blessed with plenty of food and possessions.