Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have a new mission, my faithful sidekick. This time, we must journey to the book of Numbers!
Robin: What do we find there, Batman?
Batman: The people of Israel are getting impatient with Moses, complaining about the food they are eating. So, the Lord sends a wind and quail to satisfy them.
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a silly solution! I'm sure the people were happy about that!
Batman: But the Lord was not pleased with the people, and he sent a plague to punish them.
Catwoman: Ooh, sounds like some serious trouble!
Batman: Indeed it was, Catwoman. Moses and his brother Aaron then asked the Lord to forgive the people and end the plague. The Lord granted their request, and the people were once again on their way.
Robin: What a wild adventure, Batman!