Robin: We're on chapter 10 of the Bible, Batman. It's Numbers 10.
Batman: Hmm. What does it say?
Riddler: I know! I heard it's about the Israelites setting out from the wilderness of Sinai.
Batman: Indeed, Riddler. It says that the Lord spoke to Moses and told him to make two silver trumpets. The Israelites were to use these trumpets when they set out on their journey.
Catwoman: They had to use the trumpets to signal the start and end of the march, right?
Batman: That's right, Catwoman. They also had to use the trumpets to signal when they were supposed to gather, when they were supposed to break camp, and when they were supposed to go to war.
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a silly way to organize an army.
Batman: We may think it's silly, Joker, but it worked for the Israelites.
Robin: That's right. And it was a sign of their faith in God.
Batman: Precisely, Robin. Now, let's move on to the next chapter.