Folks, listen up! C'mon, man, here's the deal. Right here in Numbers 25, or uh, you know, the book of Numbers, we got a story about a dude named Phinehas. Now, my father used to say the Lord really liked Phinehas, because he stopped a plague from happening. See here, Jack, what was that all about? Well, the Israelites were, like, literally worshipping a false God, and the Lord was, like, totally not gonna have it, so he sent a plague. But Phinehas was like, "No malarkey!," and he killed the Israelites who were worshipping the false God, and the plague stopped. So the Lord gave Phinehas a blessing and a covenant of peace. I tell you what, I'm not joking: that's some serious stuff. Excuse me, but that's the story of Numbers 25.