Hey, what's up, you Bible-lovers out there? This week we're looking at Numbers 14, and let me tell you, it's a real doozy. So, the Israelites have just arrived at the edge of the Promised Land, and God tells Moses and the people to go in and take it. But the people are scared, so they send out a dozen spies. They come back and tell Moses that the people living there are too strong and the land too dangerous, so the people get all scared and start moaning about going back to Egypt. So God gets mad and says He'll make the Israelites wander around the desert for 40 years. And then He says that none of the people who moaned will get to enter the Promised Land and they'll all die in the desert. Oh, and the only exception? Caleb and Joshua, the two spies who said we should totally go for it. So that's Numbers 14. Until next time, this is Norm MacDonald signing off.