Batman: An Amalekite has shown up at the gates of Jerusalem, carrying news of Saul's death.
Robin: Wow, that's terrible! What happened?
Batman: Apparently Saul and his sons were killed in battle by the Philistines.
Catwoman: Sounds like a tragedy.
Batman: It certainly is. The Amalekite claims to have put an end to Saul's suffering by killing him himself.
Riddler: How very noble of him.
Batman: Indeed. David expresses his grief over Saul's death and honors him by having the Amalekite killed.
Penguin: That's a bit harsh, don't you think?
Batman: David believes that the Amalekite should have shown more respect for the fallen king by not desecrating his body.
Robin: So then what happened?
Batman: David composed a lament for Saul and Jonathan and commanded that it be sung throughout the land.
Catwoman: Sounds like a fitting tribute.
Batman: Yes, it is. He then commanded that the people of Judah be taught the lament and that they should never forget the bravery of Saul and Jonathan.
Riddler: Well, that's a nice way to remember them.
Batman: Indeed it is. And that concludes our summary of 2 Samuel 1.