(Joker enters)

Joker: Ah, Batman and Robin, just the two I wanted to see!

Batman: What do you want, Joker?

Joker: I'm here to tell you about 2 Samuel 14!

Robin: What's the chapter about, Joker?

Joker: A wise woman from Tekoah intervenes in a dispute between a rich man and a poor man. The rich man's son had killed the poor man's son and the poor man was about to take revenge.

Batman: What happened then?

Joker: The wise woman talked the King into forgiving the rich man, and he did. Then the King's son, Absalom, returned from exile, and the King welcomed him back.

Robin: That's a happy ending!

Joker: For now, Robin! But the King was still grieving for his son, and Absalom was plotting to take over the kingdom...