ALRIGHT SOLDIERS, LISTEN UP! 2 SAMUEL 14: So King David was really upset at his son Absalom for killing his brother Amnon. Absalom fled from Jerusalem, and David was really torn up about it. Then Joab, the commander of David's army, decides he's gonna help. He gets this wise woman from Tekoa to come to Jerusalem and tell a story to the king. She pretends to be a widow who had two sons and they got in a fight and one killed the other. She wants the king to forgive the murderer and not kill him, because the dead son had no other brothers.
David understood the story, and he realized he should forgive Absalom. He sent Joab back to Tekoa to bring Absalom back to Jerusalem. David gave him a warm welcome, but he wouldn't let Absalom come into his presence. So Absalom was living in Jerusalem, but he was still exiled from the king. That's it for 2 Samuel 14, let's move on!