Folks, here's the deal: we already heard the sad news about Saul and Jonathan, right? I mean, literally, the Philistines killed them both in battle. That's why they wrote that song about them. My father used to say "Sometimes the Lord gives and sometimes the Lord takes away." See here, Jack: that's why David was in mourning, and he was so upset that he ripped his clothes. C'mon, man! I'm not joking. So then he wrote a poem about his best friend Jonathan and his father Saul, and then he told everyone about it. What was that? An Amalekite came up to David and said he killed Saul? Or uh, you know, not gonna happen. I tell you what: David had the Amalekite killed! Nobody messes with David, you know what I mean? Excuse me, but you don't mess with David!