C'mon, man! Here's the deal, folks. I'm not joking, literally. We're talking about 2 Samuel 2. Listen, Jack, my father used to say, "When someone's gotta go, they gotta go." Now, that's not gonna happen here. See here, Jack, King David was up in Hebron and he had a mighty throne. No malarkey! He was the king of the house of Judah, and the people were with him in this, excuse me, literally. What was that? Oh, yeah, Abner. He was the commander of Saul's army. He proposed a deal for the people of Israel to make David their king. Or uh, you know, David refused, but then the people all agreed to it. So Abner, being the commander of Saul's army, gave the kingdom to David. I tell you what, it was a mighty kingdom and David was the leader. Not gonna happen that he'd give it away, folks. That's all for 2 Samuel 2.