Listen, Jack, here's the deal. My father used to say that you can't beat the truth, and that's what 2 Samuel 22 is all about. It's a song of praise from David to the Lord for delivering him from all his enemies, his troubles, and his distress. C'mon, man, the Lord heard David's cries for help, and He answered with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm! No malarkey! Literally, David was surrounded by enemies, and God delivered him from their power. I tell you what, I'm not joking, it was like a bolt of lightning from the sky! See here, Jack, God even broke open the gates of death and brought David out of the grave. It's like He went through a wall of fire just to rescue David and his people. Or uh, you know, He provided a refuge so they could be safe. Not gonna happen? Excuse me, but God did it! And that's why David wrote this song of praise. What was that? Well, that's 2 Samuel 22, folks!