Folks, here's the deal: I'm tellin' ya, 2 Samuel 23 is literally a great chapter. I mean, I'm not jokin', my father used to say it was one of the best ones. See here, Jack: It's full of some of the bravest warriors, like Eleazar, Shammah, and Abishai. No malarkey! These guys were seriously brave. You know, like Shammah who held the line when the Philistines attacked. C'mon, man! He literally stood his ground when all the other guys ran away. And what was that? Abishai killed 300 men with his spear. I mean, excuse me - 300 men? That's a lot of men! Or uh, you know, Eleazar killed even more. Not gonna happen in your lifetime, Jack. I tell you what, it's an amazing chapter. So, take a look - it won't disappoint.