Folks! No malarkey! My father used to say that 2 Samuel 19 was a real humdinger. See here, Jack. It starts with Joab's attempt to bring David back to Jerusalem, but it isn't as easy as it seems. David's troops had been scattered all over the place, and it's a real mess. Or uh, you know, it's a situation like no other. Then, the people from all of the tribes of Israel come to David and say, "Excuse me, but you are the king of us all and we want you back on the throne." And David is like, "What was that? You want me back? C'mon, man!" But it's true. The people of Israel are so glad to have him back that they actually send a message to the men of Judah and say, "Don't be so hard on David." I'm not joking. Here's the deal: the people of Israel literally put David back on the throne and everyone is happy. That's the way it should be. Not gonna happen that the people of Israel would ever give up their king. I tell you what. 2 Samuel 19 is truly a story of hope and redemption.